"Our privileges are not for our pleasure, but rather for our purpose."
A gentleman that I very much admire and respect often shares that very powerful quote.
What does it say to you? What does it mean to you, if anything?
am first reminded that there is absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying
our privileges. Absolutely nothing at all. But are they shared, or are
they selfishly consumed? Are they used to enrich the lives of others, or
are they used as a tool of self-promotion? Do they reach and improve
lives at the extent of one’s circle of influence, perhaps even allow one
to grow that circle and touch even more lives?
What do
you consider your privileges? For many of us, we immediately think of
money, of material riches - our “stuff” if you will. We are all blessed
to a different degree. Some are certainly blessed with so much more than
others. Many have worked countless hours, perhaps decades, for those
riches. There is no doubt that they are hard earned and well deserved.
The question remains, to the extent of your own privileges - why… for
what purpose?
If we were to take a global perspective,
even the poorest of us in this nation are living above the means and
enjoying a standard of living far in excess of the rest of the world. I
give thanks for such blessings every day, and I’m constantly reminded to
consider the responsibilities that come with those blessings. If kept
to myself, those privileges are certainly wasted.
submit that our privileges reach far beyond material gains. What about
the information we have in hand that could change lives. What about
principles that we’ve learned, concepts that others have shared which
have placed us on a better path in life? What about life lessons and
experiences? How selfish to waste these only on ourselves.
about those skills and talents unique to us? If we don’t use them to
the fullest, for more than just our own gain, I wonder if we even
deserve them.
What about positions of leadership - in
our homes, in our community or in our government? If leveraged for
personal glory and profit versus service and impact, better that the
fall would come more quickly than the ascent.
privileges are not for our pleasure, but rather for our purpose. As you
consider your life mission, your purpose, examine how your privileges
have been provided to help you reach your fullest potential and greatest
Chuck's excellence in leading, consulting and developing others is fueled by a passion for teaching life and leadership principles that drive business performance, transform lives, and produce lasting global impact. He combines strategic management consulting services with Lean Six Sigma principles to enhance business profitability, performance and growth, and promotes principle-based leadership and personal development as the foundation for individual, business owner and business team growth.
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